Your spinal cord plays a key role whenever you move for common day-to-day activities. If you’re experiencing back pain as a result of conditions like a herniated disc, it can cause issues in your ability to perform everyday tasks, as well as your overall quality of life.

Every year, around 200,000 adults in the United States develop at least one herniated disc. While it’s most common among older adults, anyone who isn’t careful could develop one over time. Left untreated, it can cause debilitating chronic pain and difficulty performing everyday tasks like standing or walking.

Patients with herniated discs have several treatment options available. When it comes to pain relief for the back, legs, arms, and other affected areas, there are effective treatment options from a chiropractor for herniated disc cases. Schedule your appointment with Brenner Chiropractic for personalized solutions to manage your spinal condition.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Also known as a slipped disc or ruptured disk, a herniated disc is a spinal injury that occurs when your spine’s discs are displaced. A herniated disc can develop anywhere along the spine, though it frequently develops in the lower back.

Your spine consists of vertebrae that are separated by discs, which are rubbery cushions responsible for absorbing the shock from your movement. When you develop a ruptured disc, the disc’s soft inner nucleus tears through the tough exterior annulus. Due to the limited space between your vertebrae, the disc is then displaced.

Some people may feel no pain from a herniated disc. For others, spinal movement can cause vertebrae and the displaced disc to pinch on spinal nerves. This can result in severe pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected area.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

Herniated discs are often caused by severe wear and tear. This is why slipped discs are common among older adults experiencing regular musculoskeletal wear and tear. However, other factors can also cause disc degeneration:

  • Excess Weight and Obesity: The spinal discs of people who are overweight have to support additional weight, which can lead to wear and tear faster than the average person. People who are overweight also tend to live sedentary lifestyles, which can affect their spinal health. 
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: People with sedentary lifestyles spend more time sitting down, which can put added stress on their spine, abdomen, buttocks, hamstrings, and thighs. This can cause spinal problems over time. 
  • Occupation: People with physically demanding jobs are likely to perform repetitive spinal motions, carrying heavy objects, bending, twisting, and more. This can wear out your spinal disc faster. 
  • Repetitive Motion: People who have to perform repetitive movements without time to recover their bodies tend to wear out their discs faster. 

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

While some people with herniated discs experience no pain, it can lead to a degenerative condition over time. Some of the symptoms of a herniated disk include:

  • Back Pain: Herniated discs commonly cause lower back pain, but they can cause sharp pains anywhere along the spine. Lower back pain can also shoot into the legs when coughing or sneezing. 
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain: You could develop a ruptured disc along the neck. This can also cause pain along the shoulders and arms. 
  • Weakness, Numbness, or Tingling Sensations: You can feel these sensations along the spine. Left unchecked, this can also reach your butt and thighs, especially when you sit down. 

If left untreated, a herniated disc can affect your ability to perform everyday activities and your quality of life. You may experience chronic pain or weakness, bladder dysfunction, or develop conditions like sciatica, where you experience pain or numbness in nearby areas like your thighs, legs, and buttocks. 

What Chiropractic Techniques Help?

Patients with herniated discs can find several options ranging from oral pain relievers, injections, therapy, and – for severe cases – surgical intervention. For those qualified, a chiropractor for herniated disc patients can provide multiple treatment options to help patients relieve their pain and discomfort. These treatment options include the following:

Flexion Distraction Technique

During this treatment, patients are placed prone on a segmented table while their chiropractor manipulates their spine. They will use stretching and decompressing along the back, legs, neck, and arms. This is then repeated as the table’s segments are re-angled until the patient’s spine is realigned. 

Pelvic Blocking Treatments

This treatment involves having a patient lie down on their stomach or back and place cushioned wedges underneath their pelvis. This angle adjusts the spine and draws the discs away from the pinched spinal nerves. This process also relaxes the affected muscles and ligaments, causing chronic pain. 

Non-Invasive Pain Relief Solutions at Brenner Chiropractic

Brenner Chiropractic is your reliable chiropractor for herniated disc chronic pain. We offer customized treatment plans that can help you manage your pain and prevent your spinal injury from hindering your quality of life. Get in touch today to schedule your appointment.