Like other Chiropractic adjustment techniques, fascial release techniques are intended to help ease the patient’s pain and drive recovery. This treatment is one of Dr. Brenner’s specialties, and is a highly effective technique for patients with a complex road to recovery ahead.


What is the Fascial Release Technique?

The fascial release technique is a method through which the Chiropractor can safely stretch the muscles and tissue within the spine. Through doing so, the Chiropractor is increasing the range of motion of the spine, while also relieving pain and tightness throughout the body. Fascial release techniques are uniquely suited to treat myofascial pain.

Before performing the fascial release technique, or any specific Chiropractic adjustment technique, the Chiropractor will examine the patient’s spine to determine the specific issue at hand. Patients that have constricted connective tissues or skeletal muscles will benefit from the fascial release technique.


What is the Fascia?

The fascia plays a crucial role in protecting nerve endings, and can have a significant impact on the health of spinal muscles and tissue. This elastic fiber-like substance is quite strong and resistant to change, in order to protect the body from damage upon impact. It is largely responsible for protecting the organs from damage in everyday circumstances.


How Does the Chiropractor Perform the Fascial Release Technique?

The fascial system within the spine is complex, and applying the treatment to the wrong portion could be ineffective, or even harmful. So, the first step of the fascial release technique is identifying the negatively impacted portions of the myofascial system. During this diagnosis period, the Chiropractor will also determine the extent of motion loss, or symmetry within the body.

After establishing the area of the body that requires attention, the next step of the fascial release technique procedure is to apply the treatment. Properly performed fascial release techniques involve applying pressure to the part of the body (myofascial area) that is impacted. The key to an effective treatment is moving along the whole affected myofascial area with constant pressure, making sure that all trigger points are treated. The Chiropractor will use different parts of the hand to apply the treatment-- including the fingers, knuckles, palm and heel. In order to elongate the fascia and relieve the muscles of pain, the Chiropractor may also instruct the patient to engage in low-load exercises. This also improves blood and lymphatic circulation.

To determine the effectiveness of the treatment, the Chiropractor will gauge how substantially the level of motion increased, as well as the functional change. Above all, the Chiropractor will listen to input about fluctuating sensations of pain. Once the treatment is complete, the patient should experience a noticeable reduction in pain, and also be more relaxed.


How Often Should I Receive Fascial Release Therapy?

In order for the fascial release technique to be effective, consistency is key, as is the case with other treatments. The treatments will likely last between 30 and 50 minutes, and should take place multiple times per week, depending on the injury. Ideally, the treatments should be administered over the course of a few weeks, or even months. This consistency will ensure that the treatment cures the injury, without the potential for recurring pain.


When is the Fascial Release Technique Helpful?

In addition to Chiropractic, professionals in several other health disciplines also administer the fascial release technique. Osteopathic physicians, occupational therapists, massage therapists, and sports medicine professionals all perform fascial release therapy when it is appropriate. This technique is fully natural, meaning that there are very few potential negative side effects.

Often, patients that benefit from the fascial release technique also receive heat or ice therapy, depending on the condition, and the initial source of the back pain.

Patients who have recently undergone related or unrelated surgeries, as well as patients with high health-risk conditions like pregnancy, are not the ideal candidates for the fascial release technique.

What Conditions Does the Fascial Release Technique Treat?

Among other conditions in which the muscles, tissues and fascia are impacted, the fascial release technique is helpful for patients suffering from the following issues:


Chiropractic In Bellmore

By receiving consistent chiropractic treatment, and maintaining general back wellness, you can enjoy a pain-free lifestyle.

Contact our office today to schedule a chiropractic assessment and schedule an appointment.

(516) 208-6123