The underlying goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to ease neck and back pain and restore the patient’s full range of spinal mobility. The Instrument Assisted Adjustment technique allows the Chiropractor to more effectively perform this technique with a dedicated spinal adjustment tool.


What is the Instrument Assisted Adjustment Technique?

Also known as the activator method, the instrument assisted adjustment technique is one of many approaches to providing spinal care. This technique allows the chiropractor to use an activator tool to carefully apply force to specific parts of the spine. In doing so, the Chiropractor aims to decrease spinal pain with a fully natural approach to pain management. The activator method is one of the most effective chiropractic techniques, and consequently, also one of the most popular.

With the use of an activator, the chiropractor can deliver quick and focused impulses to the spine. In doing so, the chiropractor can access particular sections of the spine with great accuracy, and deliver a stronger overall impact. This accuracy restores the flow of spinal fluids and range of motion in these targeted areas, which helps patients to enjoy a prompt recovery.

The overarching goal of instrument assisted adjustment is reducing tissue inflammation and irritation. In doing so, the overall function of the spine can be restored.


Who Should Receive Instrument Assisted Adjustment?

Despite providing deliberately forceful impulses, the activator method is not painful for patients. In fact, it is quite comforting. So, the activator method is ideal for any patients who are experiencing back or neck pain. It is a fitting treatment for pregnant women, as well as people who suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, and other spine-related conditions.


How do We Perform Instrument-Assisted Adjustment?

Depending on the location, severity, and cause of the back pain, each patient’s injury requires a slightly different approach. As with the other adjustment methods, the chiropractor will perform a full-body assessment to determine whether or not an instrument assisted adjustment is the proper course of action. In doing so, he will also learn which areas of the spine to target to restore spinal mobility.

First, the chiropractor will prepare the patient for treatment. The patient will lie face down on an adjustment table, so that the chiropractor can access each section of the spine. After the patient is properly positioned, he will begin administering the treatment. He will begin by targeting any affected vertebrae in the neck, mid and lower back.

During each application of the activator, there are two distinct forces being applied. First, there is an initial pressure. This pressure prepares the joint for the second, more intense burst of pressure, which will follow. Next, the activator will apply a quick thrust of pressure. This sensation resembles a reflex test.

Throughout the treatment, the chiropractor will develop a better understanding of where the affected joints are. In doing so, he can adjust his treatment to better restore tissue and spinal mobility. During this period of treatment, the patient should follow standard back wellness tips.


What is an Activator in Chiropractic?

The activator is a special tool designed to offer Chiropractors a convenient way to deliver swift, high-velocity thrusts to contained and specific portions of the spine. This spring-loaded instrument is small, compact, and has a rounded front that generates an extremely contained force.

The activator method relies on both the speed of the device and the localized force. Because the activator delivers these impulses with unparalleled speed, the muscles within the body are less likely to become tense. Applying this force to a particular area is a more effective way to provide treatment than targeting the entire spine.


Can Instrument Assisted Adjustment Treat Pain in Other Parts of the Body?

The primary goal of the instrument assisted adjustment technique is to treat neck and back pain. This technique can, however, mitigate pain in other regions of the body. Because the spine is the central neural network within the body, spinal pain can translate to connected body parts. Instrument assisted adjustment performed on the spine can often eliminate extremity pain. Spinal dysfunction can often cause headaches, meaning that Chiropractic treatment can act as a solution.


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With the proper attention and care, you can enjoy your previous pain-free lifestyle.

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What Conditions Does the Instrument Assisted Adjustment Technique Treat?

The instrument-assisted adjustment Chiropractic technique is widely used, and may be used to treat the following conditions, among others:

  • Chronic back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Pregnant women
  • Patients with osteoporosis
  • Patients with arthritis
  • Any other conditions that require fluid restoration


Bellmore, NY Chiropractic

By receiving consistent chiropractic treatment, and maintaining general back wellness, you can enjoy a pain-free lifestyle.

Contact our office today to schedule a chiropractic assessment and schedule an appointment.

(516) 442-5164