If you were involved in an car accident, then you need prompt, personalized treatment that addresses all blatant injuries, and also prevents future pain that may stem from the injury. Dr. Brenner can offer you the proper chiropractic treatment that you need to heal these injuries, and restore the spine to its previous condition.


Why Do I Need Chiropractic Treatment After an Car Accident?

Car accidents can range in severity from mild fender benders that cause light bruising to more dangerous crashes that result in a broken limb. Receiving treatment for these local areas throughout the body is important, but these body part-specific treatments will not always eliminate the pain in its entirety.

Often, car accident victims have more subtle injuries that may not even be noticeable immediately following the incident. The most common subtle injury is called whiplash, and is caused by the rapid motion of moving forward, and then immediately backward as a result of the crash. The impact from this motion can reverberate throughout the entire body.

In cases where whiplash is the primary issue, the pain generally stems from the spine and muscles. The spine is the central neural network that runs throughout the body, and spinal injuries often cause translated pain in other body parts. So, neck and shoulder injuries are quite common, even when car accidents may not directly impact these body parts. Receiving a chiropractic adjustment for your car accident is the best treatment to mitigate the potential pain from these injuries.


How do Chiropractors Treat Patients After a Car Accident?

Before delving into the treatment process, the chiropractor’s first priority is to assess the injuries and pain that the patient is experiencing. In order to do this, the chiropractor will examine the body to locate any tissue inflammation or scar tissue. After this full-body assessment, the chiropractor will then create a comprehensive treatment plan for eliminating this pain, and restoring the spine to its previous position.

Depending on the patient’s unique condition, the chiropractor may incorporate several chiropractic treatment techniques. However, each treatment will be tailored to the specific conditions of the patient. Overall, chiropractic treatment is geared toward eliminating any local and referred pain, while also broadening the range of motion.

What are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries?

Aside from local injuries such as broken arms, there are a variety of common, spine-related car crash injuries. Many of these injuries stem from the musculoskeletal system, which is connected to several body parts.

These are some of the most common injuries that patients suffer from after a car accident:

  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Herniated discs
  • Sciatica
  • Pinched nerves
  • Chronic back pain
  • Injured spinal cord
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle Spasms

man holding neck after car accident


3 Common Chiropractic Techniques following Car Accidents

Many patients who suffer from whiplash as a result of a car accident injury have inflamed tissue. The major goal of a Chiropractic treatment is to reduce these injuries, restoring blood flow to the affected areas, decreasing inflammation, reducing pressure on nerves and restoring function to the spine. This is critical for the proper healing process.

While the specific techniques used can vary from patient to patient, there are a few techniques that are especially suitable for car accident victims.

  1. Diversified adjustment: Diversified adjustment is a broad chiropractic term, in which the chiropractor applies low-pressure thrusts to affected parts of the body at a high velocity.
  2. Instrument assisted soft tissue: The instrument assisted soft tissue technique revolves around reducing the stiffness that causes adhesions and knots. Using a light convex-shaped tool to scrape over the impacted areas, the Chiropractor can reduce scar tissue. This technique causes light trauma inside the muscle, which breaks down the scar tissue.
  3. Cryotherapy: Cold therapy, also called cryotherapy, is geared toward reducing swelling and inflammation. The cold temperatures cause temporary numbness, preventing the brain from transmitting pain signals, while also triggering the veins to contract.

Many of these chiropractic treatments are soothing, while also relieving pain. Dr. Brenner will gauge the effectiveness of these techniques, along with patient input, to inform future strategies.


What is the Goal of Chiropractic Treatment?

Even for patients who sustained only minor injuries during an car accident, Chiropractic treatment can be quite helpful. It can go a long way in alleviating severe chronic pain. And, it can also help restore the previous range of motion.

When patients have scar tissue or inflammation, their range of motion is compromised. This means that they will not be able to move their spine (or possibly another area of the body) with the same level of flexibility, and in the same painless manner. Chiropractic seeks to restore the previous range of motion. In doing so, you can engage in physical activity without experiencing pain.


Why Should I Choose Chiropractic Over Alternative Treatment?

In the wake of a car accident, many patients seek to alleviate the pain that they are experiencing with prescription medication. Other patients attempt to immediately reduce the pain from these injuries with corrective surgery. Both of these options may offer prompt relief, but neither is a sustained solution.

Receiving Chiropractic treatment for your car accident injury is a fully natural method of pain management. Taking painkillers on a continuous basis may cause your body to rely on them. And, surgeries are a major risk in and of themselves. There is often a high potential for dangerous side effects, both in the short term and down the line.

Opting for chiropractic treatment eliminates the potential for these side effects, and ensures that you receive the treatment you need. In addition to eliminating pain in the short term, consistent chiropractic treatment will prevent the pain from resurfacing later on. This treatment will also help you to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.


Schedule a Chiropractic Appointment for Car Accident Injuries Today

After suffering an car accident injury, visiting a chiropractor should be a priority. Dr. Brenner can help you to identify any injuries that could cause pain in the future, and provide chiropractic treatments that will offer pain relief and recover for the long term. Contact our office to schedule an appointment and begin the recovery process.