man exercising with a chiropractor correcting their posture

What is the Best Exercise for Back Pain?

Following an injury, it can be instinctual for patients to limit movement as much as possible. The wrong twist, turn, or impact to a body part could cause incredible pain, and compound the injury. The same principle applies to back pain and back injuries. But, eliminating movement altogether is not the answer for back wellness either. To truly restore the former range of motion, it’s important to engage in healthy, therapeutic exercise approved by your chiropractor. At Brenner Chiropractic, we suggest the following 9 best exercises for back pain. As always, check with your chiropractor before engaging in any new routines.

Why is Movement Good For Your Back?

While it is important to monitor the intensity and frequency, the right exercises can be restorative for the spine.

Long periods of absolute rest may be detrimental to the recovery process, according to Bellmore, NY chiropractor. As the back stiffens, muscles become weak, and the range of motion decreases. When movement results in more pain, it’s common for patients to become even more inactive, creating a vicious cycle.

woman on treadmill

When the body engages in movement, its overall ability to function increases. The discs engage in fluid exchange, causing nutrients to spread throughout the body. In addition to spreading nutrients, this fluid exchange also reduces soft tissue swelling. Regular exercise also reduces the stiffness of the spine, and generally repairs the back.

So, a diligent and controlled exercise routine can guide you to long-term recovery.

9 Best Exercises for the Spine

The exercises that are best suited to eliminate back pain are those that are not overly stressful. Instead, core-strengthening exercises that work the back muscles in a healthy and limited fashion are crucial. Before engaging in any sort of exercise, it’s important to consult with a Chiropractor in Bellmore.

1. Aerobics

In moderation, any aerobic exercise will ease back pain and provide health benefits. Walking, swimming, and biking will all have a positive effect, as long as you are careful to prevent injury. Swimming is particularly low-impact, as the water provides natural resistance to vulnerable body parts. Simple aerobic exercise will also strengthen the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. For details about your limitations, ask a chiropractor Bellmore, NY area.

hamstring stretch

2. Hamstring Stretch

Because the spine is connected to the rest of the body, stretching other muscles can also ease lower back pain. This is especially true for hamstring stretches. While lying on your back with one knee flat on the floor, raise the other leg to an upright position. Then, pull your leg closer to your body with a towel. Holding this position for about 15-30 seconds will improve mobility and flexibility. Do this 2-4 times, switching between legs. To learn whether or not a leg stretch will alleviate back pain, ask your Bellmore chiropractor.

3. Wall Sits

With your feet planted about a foot from a sturdy wall, slowly lean your back against the wall. Gradually slide down until your knees are only slightly bent, holding this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat this about 8-12 times. While this exercise is great for building strength in the hamstrings, quads, glutes and other muscles, it may cause knee pain. To learn how this exercise will affect the rest of your body, ask a Bellmore chiropractor.

4. Press-Up Back Extensions

To start this exercise, lie down on your stomach, holding your body up with your forearms. Putting the weight of your body on the elbows, slowly rise, with your stomach and back muscles relaxed. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Also, keep your hips and pelvis stationary. Do this 2-4 times. This exercise will improve overall posture, and endurance.

5. Bird Dog

To begin this exercise, position yourself on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders, and knees directly below the hips. With your pelvis in a fixed, stable position, raise your right leg backward and left arm forward, then switch to the opposite arm and leg. Do not raise your arms/legs to a position where the lower back is destabilized. Do this 8-15 times. This exercise will improve posture while decreasing back pain. If this exercise begins to cause pain, then ask a Bellmore chiropractor for assistance.

bird dog exercise

6. Knee to Chest

In the same vein as the previously mentioned hamstring stretch, the knee to chest stretch will also decrease back pain. To do this exercise, keep one foot flat on the floor while bringing the other knee to your chest. Hold this position for about 15 to 30 seconds, and repeat this 2-4 times.

7. Pelvic Tilts

With your knees bent and your feet flat, keep your stomach tight and compact. Press your back into the floor. Raise your pelvis slightly, and hold this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat this 8-12 times.

8. Bridging

Lying on your back, bend your knees and push through the heels to lift your body so that only your feet and upper back are touching the ground. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your hips, keeping the shoulders, hips and knees in a straight line. Hold this position for about 6 seconds, slowly lowering yourself. Repeat this process 8-12 times. Be sure to avoid arching your back throughout this process.

9. Pilates


A series of core-strengthening exercises, Pilates can have a marked effect on the spine. Normally performed in 45 minute sessions, Pilates requires participants to do a series of movements while positioned on a mat. For patients receiving consistent Chiropractic care due to a spine injury, the level of involvement should be minimal. Nonetheless, this can be a valuable exercise.

Bellmore Chiropractic

At Brenner Chiropractic, we take a comprehensive approach to helping patients through the recovery process. Between recommending exercises, resting positions, and providing thorough treatments, Dr. Brenner will guide you along the way. Contact us to schedule an appointment and begin a pain-free lifestyle!