Office worker at desk with back pain

3 Most Common Causes of Back Pain

The spine functions as a center of information for both the body and mind. While heavy lifting, excessive bending and other incidental causes of back pain are often to blame for patients’ discomfort, this is not always the case. There are several spinal conditions that can be developed throughout one’s life, all of which can potentially affect people of different heights, weights and lifestyles. These are the most common conditions, injuries and lifestyle choices that can cause back pain.

1. Conditions That Cause Back Pain

Spinal Cord Compression

This umbrella term refers to any condition that arises from pressure that is put on the spine by neighboring body parts, most prominently osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is most common in people over the age of at least 50.

In addition to osteoarthritis, spinal cord compression can also develop from rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, spinal injury, bone diseases, and infection. Common symptoms of spinal cord compression include:

  • Back/neck stiffness or pain
  • Sciatica
  • Numbness in the arms, hands and/or legs
  • Hand eye coordination difficulty

Bellmore, NY Chiropractor Dr. Brenner’s expertise in spinal manipulation, spinal decompression, fascial release techniques and trigger point therapies enable him to treat patients experiencing spinal cord compression, relieving current pain and preventing future pain.

Herniated Disc

Spinal discs become herniated when the mucoprotein gel inside is pushed outside piercing its ligament covering. Additionally, spinal injury, obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and jobs that requires frequent lifting are all contributing factors to herniated discs.

Herniated discs may cause back pain, leg pain, or sciatica, pain stemming from the lower back into the legs. Dr. Brenner’s Bellmore Chiropractic office treats patients with herniated discs to correct the condition, and prevent future pain.

Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms are random, involuntary contractions that occur in the back, and are a common cause of back pain. They are can be caused by inflammation that amasses from incidental injuries, as well as major traumas and can be very painful. Muscle spasms may also be caused by disc disorders as the body tries to stabilize the injured area, causing the spine to tilt to one side, consequently furthering the inflammation process.

People who have previously experienced muscle spasms are more likely to experience them in the future. Bellmore, NY Chiropractor Dr. Brenner is experienced in treating patients with frequent (and infrequent) muscle spasms. Beyond this, his goal is to educate patients, and help them to help themselves.

2. Injuries That Cause Back Pain

Ligament, Muscle or Tendon Damage

Ligament, muscle or tendon damage can happen at almost any time, and varies greatly in intensity. With these strains and sprains, it is usually easier to determine the source of the pain. This is a non-exhaustive list of accidents that may cause strains or sprains:

  • Exercise
  • Slips and falls
  • Repetitive motions
  • Lifting heavy objects (especially with poor form)
  • Improper posture while sitting or standing

Dr. Brenner performs a comprehensive examination to determine the back pain source for every patient. By determining the precise location of the damaged ligament, muscle or tendon, he can provide a more focused treatment.

3. Lifestyle Choices That Cause Back Pain


Along with the myriad health implications that smoking cigarettes can have on your body, it can also affect your back. Nicotine interferes with the flow of blood throughout the body, especially to the vertebrae.

In addition to this back pain, smoking cigarettes can also amplify other back pain symptoms. It can prevent your bones from absorbing calcium. This causes brittle bones, which may lead to osteoporosis, and a decreased healing rate.

Office Life

Unfortunately, the office life that many people adapt to is detrimental for their health. Spending a work day in an office chair can cause gratuitous back pain. The complete lack of movement causes the spine to tighten up, inducing stress on the spine, as well as the arms, legs and shoulders. Finally, bending your neck to look at your monitor can also impact the neck and the spine. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate this pain.

Start by leaving your desk a couple of times per day to walk around the office. This increased mobility will help you to remove the stress from your spine, and allow your blood to flow. Regularly doing neck exercises will also decrease this stress. There are also plenty of ways to customize your office or workspace for improved posture, with minimal taxation to the body. Routine Chiropractic care can complement these adjustments in helping you to overcome this stress.

Additionally, studies show that taking these breaks will also increase your productivity by causing your mind to think more clearly.

Overly Relaxed Lifestyle

Even beyond the confines of the office, living a relaxed lifestyle can have negative effects on your spinal health. This is especially true when recovering from a previous back injury. In other words, those who engage in regulated activity will recover quicker and more completely from back pain than those who sit idly.

Bellmore, NY chiropractor Dr. Brenner is fully qualified to assess and treat all of these conditions. By treating these conditions, patients will not only be cured of the pain, but will prevent other side effects. Contact Dr. Brenner today for a comprehensive pain assessment, and treatment that will help restore your energy levels to their maximum.