Chiropractor adjusting womans neck

Why Should You Receive Consistent Chiropractic Care?

Many recognize chiropractic as a solution only to irregular, overwhelming pain. While chiropractic care is a solution to this pain, it is also much more. Bellmore, NY chiropractor Dr. Brenner is experienced in giving both reactive and preventative chiropractic care. The effects of dedicated, consistent chiropractic care extend beyond simply back pain relief, but into daily comfort. But how exactly does one benefit from consistent chiropractic care?

#1 Foster Natural, Drug Free Recovery

Modern medicine works wonders, but sometimes, natural remedies work best. Regular chiropractic care will help rejuvenate your bones, and prompt your body to self-correct.

Natural remedies will give you a greater sense of fulfillment than consistent painkiller use.

Couple sleeping peacefully

#2 Enjoy Restful Sleep

More than a third of Americans do not get enough sleep at night. Over 20% of Americans suffer from chronic sleep loss or disorders. There is no shortage of statistics regarding sleep loss in America.

Part and parcel of this sleep deprivation issue is back pain. An uncomfortable pain during the night can prevent one from an enriching sleep, or from going to sleep at all. By minimizing and ideally eliminating back pain, you can once again experience restful, refreshing sleep. Regular visits to Dr. Brenner’s Bellmore, NY chiropractic office will help you return to your normal sleep schedule, and give you the energy you need throughout your day.

#3 Lower Your Blood Pressure and Increase Your Immunity

Frequent, proper chiropractic care will yield myriad other health effects. A misaligned spine can prevent your body from regulating blood pressure. Conversely, chiropractic care can cause an increase in white blood cell count, and produce antibodies. With frequent Bellmore, NY chiropractor visits to Dr. Brenner, you can enjoy several simultaneous health benefits.

#4 Maintain a Stronger Sense of Balance

Overall, proper spine care will help you to maintain a stronger sense of balance, both while engaging in activities that require hand-eye coordination, and while going throughout your daily routine.

Balanced woman walking

#5 Prevent Future Pain

Throughout physical activity, incidental injuries and other random activities, ensuring that your spine continues to be properly aligned and healthy will prevent future pain. Rather than inviting future discomfort by neglecting your spine, keep it in an optimal condition to combat pain.

Receiving regular chiropractic care is a definitive step to helping mitigate back pain, and to ensuring proper spine health on an everyday basis.

This is especially important for seniors, who are more prone to slips and falls.

Schedule Your First (or Fifth) Appointment Today!

Dr. Brenner is a Bellmore, NY chiropractor who dedicates himself to providing personalized attention to each patient. He has treated patients ranging in age from 8 to 80, and strives to form a personal relationship with each client. Contact us today to discuss proactive chiropractic care, and schedule your first appointment.