Over time, the wear and tear of cartilage and bones in the neck can lead to discomfort, pain, and stiffness. This can ultimately keep you from performing daily tasks with ease and cause chronic pain that impacts your quality of life. 

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and holistic approach to managing the symptoms of neck arthritis. At Brenner Chiropractic, we use proven techniques to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and improve flexibility. Our expert team, led by skilled practitioners, is dedicated to providing personal attention and customized care to reduce your pain and stiffness. 

How does chiropractic care help arthritis? What treatment options are available to you? Read on to find answers to these questions and discover how Brenner Chiropractic can help. 

What Causes Arthritis in the Neck?

Arthritis in the neck, or cervical spondylosis, is a condition marked by the deterioration of the cartilage and bones in the cervical spine. This degeneration is often a result of aging, as the discs of the cervical spine gradually break down over time.

However, it may also stem from factors such as repetitive stress, previous injuries, genetic predisposition, or lifestyle choices that contribute to wear and tear on the neck joints. 


How Does Neck Pain Affect Your Body?

Neck pain caused by arthritis can profoundly affect the body’s overall function and quality of life. 

  • Reduced Mobility and Flexibility: As arthritis progresses, neck movement becomes more restricted, impacting one’s ability to perform daily activities. Difficulty turning the head can affect driving, working, and engaging in physical activities. 
  • Chronic Pain and Discomfort: Constant pain and stiffness can lead to chronic discomfort, affecting mood, sleep, and concentration. Persistent pain may also lead to headaches or muscle tension in the shoulder region.  
  • Impact on Mental Health: Patients frequently report feelings of depression or anxiety stemming from persistent pain and the limitations it imposes on social and recreational activities. 


Symptoms of Arthritis in the Neck

Arthritis in the neck affects the joints and discs in the cervical spine. It may not always produce symptoms, but when it does, it can significantly impact your quality of life. Pay attention to the following: 

  • Persistent pain: A continuous ache in the neck area that may worsen with movement. 
  • Reduced flexibility: Difficulty in turning the head or bending the neck, often accompanied by a grinding noise. 
  • Headaches: Pain that originates from the neck and spreads to the head. 
  • Grinding sensation: A feeling of grating during neck movement. 


Is It Safe To Use a Chiropractor for Arthritis in the Neck?

When living with the persistent discomfort of neck arthritis, finding a safe and effective treatment option is a priority. Chiropractic care is one such avenue that many patients consider. However, this leads to some critical questions: Is it safe to seek chiropractic care for arthritis in the neck? Does chiropractic help arthritis? 


For many individuals, chiropractic is a viable and safe option. Professional chiropractors are well-versed in the musculoskeletal system. With their training, they can offer non-invasive treatments that alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance the quality of life for patients. 


Your arthritis chiropractor at Brenner Chiropractic will tailor your treatment to your specific condition to help you find relief and, ultimately, a path toward better neck function and comfort. 

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Neck Arthritis 

Brenner Chiropractic specializes in various techniques that help patients achieve peak health and wellness. Here are some services we offer for managing neck arthritis and improving your overall well-being. 


Fascial Release Technique 

The fascia can become tight and restrictive due to neck arthritis, leading to a decreased range of motion and pain. In the Fascial Release Technique, an expert chiropractor employs gentle massage and stretching techniques to release these fascial adhesions, enhancing blood circulation and aiding in natural healing.

This soothing approach lets you experience newfound flexibility and significantly reduce neck stiffness and discomfort. 


Diversified Adjustment Technique 

The Diversified Adjustment Technique is the most basic form of chiropractic care, offering precise manual corrections to the misalignments in your spinal column. Neck arthritis patients often suffer from joint dysfunction and vertebral misalignment, contributing to their pain. 

Our chiropractors adeptly identify these problem areas and deliver calculated, hands-on thrusts to restore proper alignment. This method not only relieves pressure on the nerves but also promotes a harmonious structural balance, leading to lasting relief from arthritic neck pain.   


Instrument-Assisted Adjustment 

For those seeking gentler chiropractic treatment, Instrument-Assisted Adjustment offers an alternative to manual manipulation. 


Using an activator, your chiropractor treating arthritis can target specific vertebrae with controlled, low-force impulses. This technique is particularly useful for patients with severe neck arthritis where a softer approach is needed. The result is a safe, precise, and comfortable experience that maintains the effectiveness of traditional adjustments. 


Begin Your Journey Toward a Pain-Free Neck With Brenner Chiropractic 

At Brenner Chiropractic, we’re dedicated to helping you find the relief you deserve. Embrace a life free from the confines of neck arthritis with tailored chiropractic treatment options. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your path to a healthier, more comfortable future