Woman sitting at desk holding her back in pain

Top 9 Jobs With the Most Back Pain

There’s nothing worse for your spine than a long, prosperous career. While it’s true that those who spend all day doing heavy lifting are prone to more spine pain than others, they aren’t the only ones. Other careers are also predisposed to back pain. Receiving consistent chiropractic care is a proactive strategy in preventing or mitigating this back pain. As a Bellmore Chiropractic office, we can help you to enjoy a pain-free lifestyle.

1. Carpenter/Contractor

Working as a craftsman with heavy materials is one of the most spine-damaging occupations, regardless of the materials involved. Specifically, carpenters are prone to experiencing severe back pain. The repetitive motions, twisting, and extensive reaching involved in the job all contribute to the continuous pain. Beyond these industry-specific motions, heavy lifting is also largely to blame for this pain. With the right techniques, our Bellmore Chiropractic office can enable you to overcome the pain associated with this occupation.

2. Auto Mechanics

As we previously discussed in our latest blog post, mechanics are also likely to experience intense back pain. Accessing certain parts of the car often requires poor sitting posture, which is less than ideal for the back. And, if it’s not poor sitting posture, then it’s poor standing posture. Hunching over a bay also causes auto mechanics to damage their spines. With the potential for improper lifting, this occupation poses a distinct threat to one’s spine as well. In a line of work like this, it’s important to keep general back wellness tips in mind.

3. Farmer/Landscaper

Without the proper precautions, yard maintenance and farming are both extremely hazardous for the spine. Although modern technology does provide some level of spine protection, there is still a strong chance for injury. In a similar vein to contractors, farmers and landscapers also fall victim to the repetitive motions of bending and operating equipment with their hands. Our Bellmore Chiropractic office can ease this pain, and provide valuable advice about avoiding future pain.

farmer back pain

4. Machine Operation

The mundane (and often repetitive) actions of operating machinery do not bode well for spinal health. Pulling levers, pushing buttons, and lifting finished products all cause the body to ache. The best course of action to mitigate this damage is to take frequent breaks, and consider your position.

5. Office Work

Unfortunately, jobs in which employees are immobile can pose their own unique threat to spinal wellness. Sitting at a desk with poor posture or no back support for extended periods of time can cause damage to the back. This sedentary position leads the spine to tighten up, which may increase stress on the shoulders, arms, and legs. Furthermore, craning your neck to see your computer monitor can also increase stress on the neck.

Check out our blog post about the most common causes of back pain to learn more.

6. Nurses

In addition to being extremely stressful, the medical industry can also cause myriad back problems. Nursing is specifically known for its tendency to cause strain on the back. Bending over patients to change IVs, testing vitals, taking pulses, and other more physical duties like transporting patients can all be detrimental to spinal health. Additionally, clerical responsibilities like inputting patient information into the computer or doing paperwork can take a toll on the upper back.

7. Cleaners

The repetitive motions involved in cleaning and housekeeping are abundant. Mopping and vacuuming floors, bending down to scrub toilets, and cleaning surfaces can together lead to enormous strain. Advice and therapy from a Bellmore Chiropractic office can go a long way in maintaining a healthy spine.

8. Food Service Workers

Most people who work in the food industry remain standing or walking throughout the whole day. This, paired with the additional duties of heavy lifting– whether you are carrying dishes, food to be cooked in the kitchen, or hot food– can certainly take a toll on the spine. These motions can cause pain not only to the lower back, but to the upper back as well. For those who intend to remain in this industry their entire lives, a proactive pain control strategy is essential. Our Bellmore Chiropractic office can help you to minimize this pain through consistent therapy and proactive advice.

waiter carrying tray with hand on back in pain

9. Hair Salon Employees

People who cut or style hair engage in a fairly limited range of motion. The simple actions of snipping with scissors, using a curling iron, or pinning hair are all repetitive, and can lead to spine-related muscle strain.

Bellmore Chiropractic

Failing to address back pain will only serve to increase this pain over time. Brenner Chiropractic can help you to eliminate this pain, and instead enjoy a pain-free lifestyle. Contact us for more information about how we can determine the source of pain, and determine the right solution for you.