Back Pain Spinal Graphic

Where is Your Back Pain Coming from?

As a dedicated Bellmore, NY chiropractor practice, Brenner Chiropractic works hard to understand patients and their complaints. Many attribute uncomfortable back pain to extreme lifting, excessive bending and sudden jerks. While these actions are common causes of back pain, they are not always the culprit. The spine’s connectivity to the nervous system, as well as its central location within the body make it crucial to pain-free living. Below are some body conditions outside of the back region that can cause mild or severe back pain.

Hip Misalignment: Lower Back Pain

Like the back, the hip is a sort of central hub in the body that influences the operation of other body parts. When one’s body suffers from hip misalignment, lower back pain can become an issue. Hip misalignment causes include poor sitting posture, poor standing posture, and favoring one side of your body. Weak or unbalanced core or pelvic muscles can also impact the welfare of the hip. Dr. Brenner is a Bellmore, NY chiropractor whose thorough examination and pain relief techniques can find and address these issues.

You can take a comprehensive approach at avoiding hip misalignment by being conscious of your posture and load bearing, and wearing proper footwear.

Excessive Neck Bending: Text Neck

We spend a steadily increasing amount of time each day craning our neck down to look at our phones and other mobile devices. These include mobile video game devices, tablets, Kindles, and potentially even books. The frequency that most of us perform this motion at is not natural for humans, and excessive neck craning can lead to other complications. Experts have begun referring to symptoms that arise from this activity “text neck”.

Stretching your neck can cause the tissue in your neck to overstretch, and consequently your spine to misalign.

To avoid text neck, try bringing your phone to your natural eyeline, rather than bringing your eyes to the phone below you. For more suggestions about avoiding neck pain, speak with Dr. Brenner in his Bellmore, NY chiropractic office.

Sitting for Extended Periods: Spine Compression

Sitting down for an entire work day is detrimental to your spine’s health. While your body is inactive, your spine is compressed. This compression can cause stress to travel to the legs, arms, back, and neck.

Poor posture can compound this stress by damaging spinal ligaments and discs.

Regularly standing up and getting away from your desk will help prevent this stress.

Back Pain Treatment

Your body is a network of interconnected parts, all of which influence the welfare of the whole. Strain in your back can result from stress, overactivity, or imbalance in any part of your body. If you begin to notice pain in your back or another region of your body, contact Dr. Brenner immediately to schedule a Bellmore, NY chiropractic appointment.